Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Delicious Links of the day...

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 09:21 AM PDT
Powerful data analysis from inside your favorite application. The DCOM application is a dependency for Spatial Ecologies Heospatial Modelling Environment
Posted: 20 Sep 2010 08:56 AM PDT
The replacement for the excelent Hawths Tools

Friday, August 6, 2010

My favourite thing about MyISAM MySQL tables!

One important feature that distinguish MyISAM from InnoDB is that MyISAM tables are generally binary portable. If you need to move a table from one MySQL server to the other, just copy the files from first server to the second server and you are ready to go. In some instances it’s a lot handier than using say mysqldump.
I found out my recent MYSQL backups were currupted... Only after our server had been compromised!  So I spent half a day reading up on how to try and recover data from an old MySQL  Data Folder.  Untill I stumbled across this quote hidden in one of the comments on this page: MySQL: the Pros and Cons of MyISAM Tables.

So for MyISAM tables it is possible to copy the folder containing the database table files (by default found in your MYSQL data directory eg. MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\data\nameofschema) and paste it into the equivilent data folder of a different MtSQL installation.  of course this will work best if the installation is a similar version to the original.

Very useful to know if like me your MySQL dumps were currupted or you are foolish enough not to back up your data with a sqldump in the first place.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

How to import a Mapinfo Interchange Format .MIF to a shapefile

I downloaded some species distributions from AgroAtlas earlier which were in MapInfo MIF/MID format.  It had been years since I had to import this format to .shp to view in ESRI ArcGIS and it took a little digging to figure out how.  So I thought I would blog it so I would have it documented for next time.

First of all I checked ArcGIS for a quick win, and was disapointed.  Apparently there are two options.

  1. The first is to use the MIF to shapefile utility found in the ArcGIS8.x toolbar as documented here.  However this didn't work for me.  I got an error stating "Unable to finish conversion" and the tool only created a .shp and a .shx, with no .dbf or .prj for that matter.
  2. The second ESRI method was to buy the ArcGIS Data Interoperability Extension which seemed a little xtreme just to check out a couple of small datasets.
So I got onto google and found a third non-ESRI solution using the GDAL/OGR Simple Feature Library in FWToolsFWTools is a set of Open Source GIS binaries for windows or linux including the GDAL/OGR command line libraries.  FWTools is the easiest way to install the GDAL libraries onto windows and can be done via an installer .exe file downloadable here. Simply double click the exe file and follow the on screen installation instructions.  Once installed open up the FWTools Shell from either the start menu>programs or the desktop short cut then enter the following command:

ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" c:\output-path-to-shapefile\mydata.shp c:\path-to-mif-mid-files\mydata.mif

That was the simple how-to example,ogr2ogr has many other parameters that can be specified click here for full ogr2ogr usage documentation.

Ogr supports multiple data formats including: ESRI Shapefile, MapInfo Tab file, TIGER, s57, DGN, CSV, DBF, GML, KML, Interlis, SQLite, ODBC, ESRI GeoDatabase (MDB format), PostGIS/PostgreSQL, MySQL.

Other references used in researching this article:



Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Football banter through the medium of 3D Mapping

Some Aberdeen fans have been using Google Sketch-up to wind up rival fans in Scotland. By creating quality sketch-ups of scottish grounds with famous scorelines (favouring Aberdeen) posted on the stadium score boards and images of Aberdeen celebrations on the big screens.

Internet pranksters use Google Earth to wind up opposition football fans 

Bringing football rivalry into the GIS arena.  I like it!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Delicious Links of the day...

Posted: 11 Jun 2010 12:01 AM PDT
Environment Agency Spatial Data Portal Developer page. They have been kind enough to provide some examples of the technology used within their applications

Posted: 15 Apr 2010 03:56 AM PDT
This function uses R to get all or several datasets in some particular "foreign" data format (e.g., SPSS, SAS, etc.), and then writes them back out as text files (or returns a data.frame).

Friday, April 9, 2010

Delicious Links of the day...

Posted: 08 Apr 2010 04:12 AM PDT
Useful articles on a variety of different R-Project topics, from How-tos to, performance, software and book reviews.
Posted: 08 Apr 2010 04:10 AM PDT
Simple Conditional examples for R-project Statistics
Posted: 07 Apr 2010 08:49 AM PDT
Off a message board.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Delicious Links of the day...

Posted: 01 Apr 2010 01:44 AM PDT
How to import and export different data formats with R-project Statistics

Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

Delicious Links of the day...

Posted: 04 Mar 2010 06:58 AM PST
Avia-GIS "Agriculture and Veterinary Information and Analysis" is a Belgian consultancy company founded in 2001 that specializes in the collection, processing and analysis of spatial information, and the development of space-time information systems.
Posted: 04 Mar 2010 06:56 AM PST
Euro-AEGIS, European Agro-Environmental health GIS associates EEIG, is a European Economical Interest Grouping (EEIG) founded by Avia-GIS (Zoersel, Belgium) and ERGO (Oxford, UK) in 2004.
Posted: 04 Mar 2010 06:47 AM PST
In my opinion the best website for Environmental science (especially GIS) related jobs.
Posted: 04 Mar 2010 06:43 AM PST
Our focus is on UK-based research, although we welcome international members and collaborators. - Also has an excellent Job page if you are looking for opportunities in this field.
Posted: 04 Mar 2010 03:04 AM PST
ArcGIS Desktop 9.3 Help - Creating a new geodatabase. Official documentation on creating Personal, file and ArcSDE geodatabases.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Delicious Links of the day...

Posted: 23 Feb 2010 01:06 AM PST
Ordnance Survey Guide to the National grid with a 2-side PDF guide, including the Alpha-numeric grid map with numbers.

Posted: 22 Feb 2010 03:48 AM PST
A Selection of W=web colours that can be utilised for palettes in web GIS applications such as ArcIMS and Mapserver.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Delicious Link: FormatPercent Function - VBScript

Posted: 21 Feb 2010 06:13 AM PST
VBScript format percent function

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Posted: 19 Feb 2010 07:06 AM PST
Useful GB Ordnance Survey Alpha-numeric grid location map and description.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Delicious Links Of the Day

Delete Raster Catalog Items (Data Management) - ArcGIS Desktop 9.3 help
Deletes all raster datasets contained in a raster catalog. - Or a subset of items if used within ArcMap with a selection.

How to publish your Delicious bookmarks on Blogger curtesy of Blog:Cogley

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Launch of the IGAD Livestock Information Portal

The IGAD LPI (Livestock Policy Initiative) team have recently re-launched the www.igad-data.org site as the IGAD Livestock Information Portal.  As well as continuing to provide the most comprehensive GIS database currently available for the IGAD region.  It is now also a key resource of Livestock Policy documents, updated by contacts on the ground in each of the seven member countries.

IGAD is the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, a seven-country regional development organization in East Africa. Its headquarters are located in Djibouti City.  The member countries include Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda.

The IGAD Livestock Policy Initiative is a project implemented by IGAD through the UN FAO (Food and Agricultural Organisation) with the financial support of the European Commission.

GISDataMonkey is now on Delicious

I have started adding my bookmarks to Yahoos social bookmarking site Delicious.  So check out my internet and add me to your own Delicious Network.


You will find bookmarks relating to a wide variety of topics including GIS, programming, statistics, disease and epidemiology and many more.  For a taster check out my Delicious tag cloud which I have added to the bottom of the right-hand column of this blog.
