Friday, August 8, 2008

Installing GeoNetwork22 IIS Tomcat and MySQL

Below is a record of how I installed Geonetwork 2.2 on my XP box running off MySQL and served by Tomcat 5.5 and IIS5

Required Files:

Apache Tomcat 5.5.26 .exe file - download here
Tomcat ISAPI Connector 1.2.14 .exe - download here
IIS 5.x
MySQL Server 5.0: The Windows ZIP/Setup.EXE (x86) - downloaded from here
Geonetwork 2.2.0 with JRE1.5 embedded - download here

Configure IIS and Tomcat for GeoNetwork:

If you have not already done so install and configure IIS and the Tomcat connector as described in my previous post Configuring Tomcat 5.5 with IIS 5 on XP. This outlines how I set up IIS to serve Java based applications by passing them on to Tomcat using the Tomcat IIS connector. The reason this is necessary is because GeoNetwork is a Java based application which IIS cannot serve by default.

Once you have successfully configured and tested that the Tomcat Connector is working successfully with IIS it is necessary to configure the Tomcat connector to serve GeoNetwork once it is installed. To do this we have to edit the following files.

In the server.xml found in the Tomcat conf directory (in my install it was C:\apache\tomcat55\conf\server.xml) add the following code at the bottom of the file just before the tag...

reloadable="false" />
reloadable="false" />
reloadable="false" />

then search from the start of the file for port="8080" and replace the text with the text below.


Save and close the file.

Then open the file (which is found in the same directory as the file above) with a text editor and add the following before the line /servlets-examples/*=wlb:


Save and close the file.

Restart the Tomcat windows service: Control panel>administration tools>services - look for and select the service called Apache Tomcat and select restart.

Then restart IIS: Control panel>administration tools>Internet Information Services. Then right click on the local computer entry, select all tasks and restart IIS.

Install and configure MySQL:

Download the MySQL file from the required files section above and install a default installation accepting the default settings. Remember to make a note of the password for future reference.

Once installed run a command window and type:
mysql –u root –p
press enter and enter the password. Then type:
create database geonetwork character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci;
In order to see if the database is created successfully using the utf-8 character set type:
show create database geonetwork;
Then type:
grant select, insert, update, delete, drop, alter, index, create on table geonetwork.* to geonetwork@’localhost’ identified by ‘password’;
Then type”
to close the command window.

Installing Geonetwork 2.2.x:

Download the GeoNetwork 2.2.0 windows installer file with JRE1.5

Install geonetwork accepting default values. Though I installed to C:\geonetwork rather than the program files directory.

Ensure your tomcat service is switched off : Start>control panel>administration tools>services>apache tomcat stop service.

Check Geonetwork is installed directory by starting the inbuilt Jetty server from Start>programs>GeoNetwork Opensource>start server. Then open GeoNetwork from http://localhost:8080/geonetwork/

If it works correctly stop the server: Start>programs>GeoNetwork Opensource>stop server.

Configuring GeoNetwork to run with MySQL:

Now we are going to link it mySQL. Open GAST: Start>programs>GeoNetwork Opensource>start GAST. Then from the options drop down select config and enter the admin username and password then press OK (default is user: admin pw: admin)

Then from DBNS setup select MySQL and enter the following:

Server: localhost (if MySQL is on same server as Geonetwork)
Database: geonetwork
Username: geonetwork
Password: password (or the password used in the MySQL command entered above identified by ‘password’;).

Then click save.

Go to Database set up, and press set up (ignore the Cyclic error if it appears press OK).

Close GAST.

Start up the Tomcat service: Start>control panel>administration tools>services>apache tomcat start service. Then restart IIS: Control panel>administration tools>Internet Information Services. Then right click on the local computer entry, select all tasks and restart IIS.

Then open GeoNetwork here Then open GeoNetwork from http://localhost/geonetwork/ Your GeoNetwork is now served by Tomcat via IIS (notice the address is now localhost not localhost:8080). With the GeoNetwork Data is served by MySQL.



GeoNetwork OpenSource Website
GeoNetwork installation: Presentation by Andrea Carboni
Geonetwork Catalog installation tutorial using Tomcat & MySQL by Dimitrios G. Simos
Installing Geonetwork21 under IIS, Tomcat and PGSQL by Michel Le page

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